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The Agency has been entrusted mid-2020 with the implementation of the grant components of the Innovation Fund, one of the EU's largest funding programmes for demonstration of innovative low-carbon technologies. The Innovation Fund is a key funding instrument for delivering the European Green Deal, a package of measures aiming at becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. The Innovation Fund focuses on demonstration and “first of a kind” projects in energy intensive industries (including products substituting carbon intensive ones and aviation), Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU), construction and operation of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), maritime, road transport and building sectors as well as innovative renewable energy generation and energy storage. The Financial Engineering (FE) team of CINEA is an expanding team that contributes with its expertise in the field of project and sustainable finance at different stages of the implementation of the Agency’s programmes. As member of the FE team, the Senior Financial Engineering Manager shall implement activities related to financial engineering within the Agency together with the relevant DGs of the European Commission, primarily with regards to the Innovation Fund. The jobholder will be part of the unit's Financial Engineering team and work under the authority of the Head of Unit responsible for 'Programme support, coordination and communication' and under the supervision of the Head of Sector responsible for the FE team. The jobholder will collaborate with a wider team of colleagues of the Agency, the European Commission and implementing partners to which the Commission delegates part of EU programmes, notably the European Investment Bank (EIB). The jobholder will interact frequently with external actors, in particular the representatives of projects that benefit from CINEA’s funding programmes and the experts involved in the evaluation of call for proposals organised by CINEA. The Senior Financial Engineering Manager shall support the Commission's activities for the development of pipelines of mature projects for the various sectors targeted by the Innovation Fund, and in this context contribute to all phases of those project’s lifecycle, including evaluation, contracting, implementation and monitoring.

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CINEA is based in Brussels The number of staff will grow further over the coming years and the purpose of this publication is therefore to set up a reserve list, which will be used to cover the growing needs of the Agency. The reserve list may also be used by other Executive Agency upon agreement between the respective Appointing Authorities (AECEs). The Agency fosters a culture of employee empowerment and engagement, emphasising collaboration, respect, integrity, trust. equality, diversity, and inclusion The Agency and its staff are committed to a number of core values including innovation, client focus, excellence, well-being, care, work-life balance, sustainability and working together. Creating a sense of belonging is central to the Agency’s culture, which supports skill development and well-being through various initiatives. The Agency's comprehensive onboarding programme, supported by HR, the relevant teams, managers, peers and a buddy system, ensures a smooth integration for new staff. We are excited to welcome new talent to our Agency.


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