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En tant que Partnerships Project Manager au sein de la Team Bank & Fintech Strategic Partnerships, tu seras en charge de développer et gérer un portefeuille de partenaires stratégiques pour contribuer à la croissance de papernest. Tes futures missions : Compréhension du marché • Analyser les tendances du marché et de l’environnement concurrentiel • Construire des supports de présentation internes pour synthétiser l’information et aider la prise de décision • Réaliser des études ad hoc selon les besoins et opportunités identifiés Développement et gestion de partenariats • Business development (identification des cibles, prises de contact, pitch, closing etc.) • Construire la proposition commerciale : storytelling, offre de services et parcours clients, business model, plans marketing & communication • Mise en oeuvre des projets avec nos partenaires : roadmap, formation, embarquement, implémentation technique des parcours (parcours web en affiliation, parcours automatisés via Zapier ou API), coordination avec les différentes équipes internes (Product, CRM, Communication, Opérations) Pilotage de la performance • Suivre l’activité : définition des indicateurs de performance, construction des dashboards (pour l’interne et pour nos partenaires) • Comprendre les besoins de nos partenaires, identifier les freins de nos partenariats et proposer des leviers d’amélioration de la performance

Profil recherché

Jeune diplomé(e)


For almost 10 years, papernest has successfully assisted over 1.5 million users in alleviating one of life's most tedious tasks: contract management. Our innovative solution empowers customers to seamlessly move, manage, and switch their contracts, all within a unified platform, and best of all, for free. Our services are available across France, Spain and Italy (for the time being !) In an ever-changing world, we take confident steps, guided by the continuous development of our self-sustaining business model. Our success story is woven around an innovative B2B2C model, forged through strategic partnerships with major players in real estate and banking. We are dedicated to fostering an exciting and vibrant work environment because that's what brings out the best in us. We believe that business needs to be disruptive and ambitious in order to thrive. However we're not limited to just being good at business. We are also committed to our social responsibility as we strive to actively contribute to the community we belong to, minimize our environmental impact, and aim to foster a culture of social engagement and consciousness among our co-workers. At the heart of our philosophy is the commitment to long-term success over short-term convenience. We highly value the contributions of each of our 800+ employees, providing them with ample opportunities for growth and the development of invaluable skills.


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